Ballooning in Napa

Una Emocionante, Hermosa, y Colorida Experiencia.

Mi compañero de aventuras me sorprendio con boletos para volar en globo. Estaba tan emocionada y nerviosa al mismo tiempo,. Siempre había querido hacer esto, pero no estaba seguro de lo inestable, del miedo, y tal vez dramática que iba a ser.

Los vuelos suelen tener lugar durante la madrugada, cuando no hay mucho viento y es más seguro para viajar. Napa es de aproximadamente una hora y media de casa, por lo que decidimos irnos el viernes por la noche y pasar la noche cerca. Desafortunadamente, el tiempo no era bueno para los tres días anteriores, así que tuvimos que llamar a las 5:00 am para comprobar el estado de nuestro paseo en globo. Afortunadamente todo se aclaró y se programó el vuelo en globo. Nunca había visto la salida del sol en Napa antes; había tanta niebla en nuestro camino, pero poco a poco una mañana fría se convirtió en un hermoso cielo de color rosa.

Aloft is a wonderfully professional company that made us feel secure and in good hands. El check-in fue 6:40 am en Yountville. El personal amable explicó el proceso de entrar y salir de la cesta, que esperar, qué hacer, y qué no hacer, todo café y pasteles.

The balloons had a capacity of twelve people plus the pilot. There are smaller ones for private trips and bigger ones are offered through other companies. Our balloon was Tango; the incredibly kind staff offered to take pictures of us while the morning sun continued rising, the colorful balloons started elevating, the furnaces were burning, and the excitement was increasing.

At the beginning it feels a little unexpected and scary, so just hug your loved one and enjoy the breeze! It is warm when the furnace is on, but the noise that it makes every now and then is somewhat hair-raising.

The views are amazing! Depending on the air temperature, the balloon goes higher or lower. The pilot has a GPS, route, gas cylinders, many flight hours, and experience that came with a well-deserved pilot license. The balloon was very stable; nobody moved much so the flight was peaceful, romantic, and completely stunning.

We enjoyed the blue sky, lush green grass, beautiful mansions, infinite vineyards, and gorgeous colorful balloons flying all over lovely Napa Valley.

It was time, after approximately forty minutes, to land on the other side of Yountville. The landing was a little rough. The pilot repeated, “Please do not jump out the basket, you will not need to jump out, just wait until I tell you it is time to leave.” Ohhh boy! Twice I was very close to the land, leaning about 30 degrees. I even wanted to jump out, so I’m glad that the pilot reminded us not to!

A van was waiting for us and the pilot was our driver back. Brunch is optional; you will be hungry though, and I advise you to be part of it. The eggs and French toast were delicious! Great conversation and laughs with a funny and clever pilot and ballooning mates over cheerful mimosas rounded up a fabulous and romantic ballooning flight. Salud!

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